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SouthGlenn Civic Association
Serving SouthGlenn since 1963

How would an SRD change use and rates for nonresident members?Into the foreseeable future, it would not. One goal in forming the SRD is to cause the least amount of disruption to current membership as possible. The activities current club members enjoy now will continue to be available at rates that do not exceed, or are less than, what members are currently paying while a newly elected SRD governing board gets a better sense of revenue expectations for the SRD, costs of operations, and develops a long-term improvement plan. At present, and over time, current non-resident members will see capital improvements to the property that are not financially feasible under the Club’s current business model.
What is a Special Recreation District (SRD)?Not a Home Owners Association (HOA)! Special Districts are created by a community to meet the needs of its residents. South Suburban Parks and Recreation District (SSPRD) is a special district. We are using Special Recreation District (SRD) instead of Special District because we felt SRD is more precise and leaves no room for misinterpretation (again, not an HOA!).
What is the difference between Special Recreation District and Southglenn Country Club?
How is an SRD funded?A Special Recreation District will be funded primarily by a special tax (mill levy), for Southglenn residents, paid through property taxes on an annual basis. These funds will cover all of the operating expenses of the club. Other revenue sources are from use fees - an unlimited use pass per household at $100, for example. Additionally, with the overhead already covered, per-use fees would be possible. The number of residents who opt for an unlimited use pass provides an indication on how much capacity would be available for non-residents to use the recreational facilities. The use fees from residents and non-residents would provides funds to repay debts and make capital improvements.
Were other options explored outside of an SRD?Yes. South Suburban Parks and Rescreation District (SSPRD) was consulted to gauge their interest in the club. A Southglenn Civic Association representative spoke with both SSPRD legal counsel and Rob Hanna, Executive Director of SSPRD. SSPRD does not have interest in offering the existing golf, swim or tennis at this location. SSPRD parties indicated the property would be used to fit into the SSPRD master plan (i.e. skate park, soccer field, etc.) Some community members expressed concern of this bringing excessive traffic, traffic noise and people through the neighborhood. SSPRD serves over 155,000 people. City of Centennial leadership was consulted. Conversations were had with the City Attorney, City Counsel representatives from District 1 (Southglenn's district) and other district representatives. The City Attorney would NOT recommend City commit to ongoing maintenance of the facility. They are not in the business of running a recreation facility. Council representatives indicated if the City was involved, development would be a possibility. Working with the Club Board to increase memberships. This hasn’t been as thoroughly explored as we would like because board meetings are not announced and unfortunately, attempts for communication with the entire board has not been accepted. Doing nothing. Doing nothing puts the fate of the property out of the Southglenn community’s control. As indicated above, members of the community that have attended the brainstorming sessions and open forum made it clear they do not wish to leave our community’s fate in the hands of developers.
How is an SRD governed?Special Districts are created under Colorado Reviesd Statutes Title 32. Since this would be a service authority having a population of less than fifty thousand, the statute requires that the board consist of five members, all of whom shall reside in and be elected by the eligible electors of the District. Directors’ terms will be 4 years. Elections will be administered by Arapahoe County.
How would an SRD change use and rates for current Southglenn residents?The property will no longer be an expensive, exclusive country club available only to dues paying members. The Southglenn Country Club dissolves and a new, special recreation district, replaces it. See “How would the Southglenn SRD be governed?” Facility access will be affordable. The good faith estimate, based on information provided by the club on what it costs to run it, is $300-350/household per year. That will keep doors open, lights on, pool clean and grass green. The goal from a financial perspective is to generate enough in tax revenue from the resident tax to cover the day-to-day operations. The unlimited-use, per-use, and non-resident membership revenue would provide funds to service debt incurred to make capital improvements. The Special District tax would continue into perpetuity, much the same way as taxes that fund our schools and libraries. The clubhouse would be open and available for all Southglenn district residents to use free of charge - much the way the library has rooms for use free of charge. We would like it to be a safe gathering spot for all of our residents throughout the day. In addition, reservations would be available for book clubs, card groups, etc. Use of golf, swim or tennis facilities will be available at much reduced rates—much the way SSPRD does. Unlimited golf/swim/tennis use—$100/Southglenn household/year has been proposed. Not interested in unlimited access? A pay per-use fee for golf/swim/tennis (rates TBD) would apply. The only way to offer the flexibility of per-use fees, which so many in our neighborhood would like, is to assure that the basic operating costs are covered. A special district would assure that. Depending how many residents sign-on for unlimited use, there would be capacity to accommodate non-resident memberships. It is expected these members would continue to be members for the same rates they pay now or potentially lower.
Why is the Southglenn Community Considering an SRD?SGCC is at risk of failing. If the club fails, Southglenn residents are concerned the land will be developed. The City of Centennial has identified the club property as an “Opportunity Site" that could be redeveloped according to Kelly Hickler, a planner with the City of Centennial. According to a former SGCC President, even Littleton Public Schools is interested in the 22 acres “should the property become available.” Pro-active protection of the 22 acres of open space is possible if Southglenn residents vote to create a Special Recreation District.
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