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Clarkson Street Traffic Calming Proposal

For South Clarkson Street Between Easter Avenue and Dry Creek

We’ve got a traffic problem on Clarkson! 

Shea Simpson

Thanks to the City of Centennial's traffic study, we know, on a normal weekday, over 3,000 vehicles pass through Clarkson at an average speed well above the posted limit of 30mph; and many don’t obey the stop signs — creating chronically unsafe conditions for all in the neighborhood…especially, pedestrians and kids around Clarkson Park. Those of us who live on Clarkson witness this all day, every day.


Before it becomes a tragedy, we’d like to address it.


Several of us living on Clarkson St. have worked together with the City of Centennial to get a proposed initiative in place to add traffic calming devices between Easter and Ogden Way. To increase awareness and compliance, we proposed adding stop signs to the middle of the road and a few proper crosswalks at the park to help pedestrians and our kids make it to the park… SAFELY! These changes may also discourage some of the cut-through traffic that use Clarkson to get from Arapahoe to Dry Creek as fast as they can.


Soon, residents who live on or adjacent to Clarkson; or use Clarkson to leave their homes will receive ballots to either approve or decline the initiative. In order for this to move forward at least 50% of the possible votes must be returned, and at least two-thirds of the votes returned must be in favor of calming the traffic on Clarkson. 

Our affected neighbors will soon be receiving ballots.


How can you help?  

•              Pay attention to your mail for the ballots that will be sent from the City of Centennial to the affected residents.  

•              When you get the ballot…VOTE!


Those of us living on Clarkson, and many of the other affected neighbors, would love to have the support of our neighbors on Fremont Circle and Clarkson Circle. We know this doesn’t impact you the way it does us, but we hope you’ll support our effort to create a safer route for all! 


You can view a drawing that shows the proposed changes and highlights the affected area of Clarkson and adjacent streets below.

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